Événements et formation
Nous connectons plus de 250 superviseurs et régulateurs d'assurance dans plus de 20 événements par an. Grâce à ces événements, nous offrons une plateforme dynamique de dialogue, d'apprentissage et de renforcement des capacités pour créer les conditions nécessaires à la croissance de marchés de l'assurance inclusifs.
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Restricted to supervisors: additional self-directed courses free and partly certified on Connect.A2ii.
Événements et formation
Événements et formation
146 posts
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Le changement climatique pose des risques importants qui peuvent affecter la stabilité globale du système financier, y compris le secteur de l’assurance. Puisque l’on s’attend à ce que les risques
Enregistrement La pandémie de covid-19 a considérablement perturbé l’activité économique des pays du monde entier, puis compromis la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable (ODD). Cette
Le lien entre l’accès à la finance et la santé devient de plus en plus évident, plus particulièrement compte tenu de l’impact de l’épidémie de Covid-19 sur les plus vulnérables. Les dépenses de santé
Au niveau mondial, il y a une compréhension et une prise de conscience accrues de l’impact potentiel du changement climatique sur le système financier, y compris le secteur de l’assurance. Le
L'enregistrement Un écart entre les genres persiste encore lorsque l’on parle de l’accès des femmes aux services financiers, y compris l’assurance. L’accès des femmes à l’assurance et les
L'enregistrement du Dialogue public Discours principal préenregistré par la reine Máxima, l’avocate spéciale du secrétaire général des Nations unies pour la finance inclusive pour le développement L
A 10h00 CET, elle s'est tenue en anglais (avec interprétation simultanée en français). Les participants ont entendu des experts du secteur ainsi que des autorités de surveillance qui ont partagé leurs
Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à la prochaine réunion régionale des contrôleurs d'assurance d'Afrique subsaharienne qui sera organisée virtuellement et accueillie par l'Association internationale
L’Association Actuarielle Internationale (AAI), en collaboration avec l’Initiative d’accès à l’assurance (A2ii), a dévoilé une mini‑série de séminaires sur la gestion financière et la surveillance
L’une des plus grandes avancées pour le secteur des assurances est l’introduction d’une nouvelle norme comptable internationale, IFRS 17, qui doit entrer en vigueur en 2023. La nouvelle norme obligera
L’Association Actuarielle Internationale (AAI), en collaboration avec l’Initiative d’accès à l’assurance (A2ii), a dévoilé une mini‑série de séminaires sur la gestion financière et la surveillance
The FSI and the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA) will hold a regional seminar on "Climate risk assessment in the financial sector" in São Paulo, Brazil, from 8-10 December.
L'importance des systèmes de retraites vis à vis de la stabilité économique d'un pays et de la sécurité de sa population vieillissante est de plus en plus reconnue. Il existe déjà un décalage dans la
The FSI and the ASEAN Insurance Training & Research Institute (AITRI) will hold a regional seminar on "Risk-based supervision of insurers" from 24-26 November in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The FSI hosts a workshop on financial inclusion from 11-12 November in Basel, Switzerland. The workshop is by invitation only.
The FSI, ASBA and the Centre for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA) will hold a regional seminar on Cyber Resilience Testing in Bogotá, Colombia, from 3-5 November.
Les approches informelles de la gestion des risques constituent un mécanisme d'adaptation courant, en particulier pour les segments de la population mal et non desservis. C’est surtout en l'absence de
The FSI and The Executives' Meeting of East Asia and Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP) will hold a regional seminar on Cyber Risk in Singapore from 21-23 October.
The FSI and the South East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN) will hold a regional seminar on "Crisis identification, prevention and management" in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 6-8 October.
Advancing Financial Inclusion and Dealing with Climate Risks: Innovation and Proportionality in Insurance 28 September – 8 October 2020 Virtual Program – All times are EDT Objectives Upon completion
Au cours des deux dernières décennies, les autorités de contrôle ont pu affiner leurs normes de solvabilité et sont progressivement passées à des régimes plus axés sur le capital-risque. De nombreuses
The ASEAN Insurance Training & Research Institute (AITRI) will be organizing the third virtual training on Inclusive Insurance for Insurance Supervisor in Asia. This training will be supported by
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) make up the majority of enterprises in the world, providing employment and contributing significantly to national incomes - mainly in emerging and
Si les réactions des autorités de contrôle pour faire face à la pandémie ont été rapides, variées et contrastées, il demeure crucial pour les autorités de surveillance de travailler de pair avec d
Cliquez ici pour l'enregistrement The Covid-19 epidemic has demonstrated that traditional insurance solutions lack the capabilities to be able to provide comprehensive coverage and protection against
Ecoutez l'enregistrement du webinaire ici: Access to Insurance Initiative · Les risques pandémiques : les lacunes en matière de protection - A2ii-AICA webinaire La pandémie de Covid-19 a totalement
Si vous avez manqué le webinaire, vous pouvez maintenant regarder l'enregistrement de la partie présentations. Il s'agissait du 6e webinaire de la série, qui a eu lieu le 30 juin 2020. Cenfri et AXA
Il s’agit de la cinquième consultation téléphonique de la série de webinaires proposés par l’A2ii-AICA sur le thème de la pandémie de coronavirus (Covid-19) et ses implications pour les contrôleurs d
Il s’agit du quatrième appel de la série de webinaires proposée par l’A2ii-AICA portant sur la pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19) et ses implications pour les contrôleurs d’assurance. L’appel est
Il s'agit du troisième appel dans la série exceptionnelle de webinaires A2ii- AICA sur la pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19) et ses implications pour les contrôleurs d'assurance. Cet appel aura lieu
Le monde entier prend des mesures pour protéger leurs populations contre la propagation de la pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19). Cette pandémie mondiale a un impact important sur l'économie d'un pays
Le monde entier prend des mesures pour protéger leurs populations contre la propagation de la pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19). Cette pandémie mondiale a un impact important sur l'économie d'un pays
La numérisation de la chaîne de valeur des assurances ouvre des possibilités qui permettent de combler une partie des lacunes en matière de protection contre les risques. Le recours aux dispositifs
The FSI and the AMF are holding a regional seminar on Pillar 2 and Risk-based Supervision in Abu Dhabi from 3-5 March.
La Direction Nationale des Assurances (DNA) du Sénégal et la Conférence Interafricaine des Marchés d'Assurances (CIMA) organisent, conjointement avec l'Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution
The FSI will hold a policy implementation meeting on Climate risk assessment in the financial sector – turning up the heat from 20-21 February in Basel, Switzerland.
The A2ii together with the South African Reserve Bank and the IAIS will be organising a meeting for Sub-Saharan African insurance supervisors in Pretoria. The meeting is aimed at senior level
El cambio climático está aumentando la gravedad y frecuencia de los desastres naturales, y los segmentos pobres y vulnerables de la población son los más afectados. El seguro, como parte del
En español Le changement climatique aggrave et augmente la fréquence des catastrophes naturelles, à ce titre, ce sont les segments les plus vulnérables de la population qui sont les plus touchés. L
Les avancées du numérique apportent à la fois leur lot d’avantages et de défis dans les secteurs de l’assurance et de la finance en général. Depuis ces dernières années, cette nouvelle approche
For English scroll down. El Programa de Capacitación en Seguros Inclusivos para Supervisores de América Latina es organizado conjuntamente por la Superintendencia General de Seguros (SUGESE), la
Poor and vulnerable people in the developing world are affected most by natural disasters. They suffer disproportionately due to their higher vulnerability and exposure and lower ability to cope and
La cybercriminalité gagne du terrain partout sur la planète et les répercussions de ce type d’incident sur le secteur financier dans son ensemble, mais en particulier sur le secteur des assurances
Organisers: EIOPA and Goethe University
The year 2019 marks 10 years of Access to Insurance Initiative. To celebrate its anniversary, and the key milestones, the A2ii has been running its #A2ii10 campaign throughout 2019. On 2 and 3
Actuarial Training Photo Gallery We are pleased to invite you to the Training “Capacity Building for Insurance Supervisors - Leveraging Actuarial Skills” in Indonesia, Jakarta, jointly organised by
Le manque de demande d'assurance est l'un des obstacles les plus importants au développement des marchés de l'assurance inclusive et responsable. La population peu ou pas servie ne connaît
What is Africa 3.0? Africa 3.0 is a two day event which will provide the first platform for tech startups specifically in health, agriculture and frontier InsurTech to collaborate with incumbents on
The ILO’s Impact Insurance Academy is a unique opportunity to learn from more than ten years of experience and innovations in inclusive insurance facilitated by the ILO’s Impact Insurance Facility. By
Insurance policymaking is not gender-neutral. Women and men have the potential to be differentially impacted by financial sector policies and by regulatory and supervisory approaches to insurance
Watch the recordings here: Day 1 - English Day 1 - French Day 2 - English Day 2 - French Notez la date 16e Forum consultative sur le climat et les risques de catastrophe pour les autorités de
Le rôle du contrôleur d’assurance dans la réduction des disparités homme femme – A2ii-AICA Webinaire
Le rapport et les présentations de cet appel sont disponibles sur cette page. L’intégration de la perspective de genre dans la réglementation et la démarche de contrôle est un aspect essentiel si l’on
15th Consultative Forum on Inclusive Insurance Climate and disaster risk: building resilience, bridging the protection gap Tuesday, 7 May 2019 W Panama, Calle 50 and Aquilino de la Guardia, Panama
We are pleased to announce the Inclusive Insurance Training Program for Supervisors in Asia jointly organised by the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), the ASEAN Insurance Training and Research
The report and presentations of this call can be found on this page.
The presentations and report of this call can be found on this page.
Le rapport et les présentations de cet appel sont disponibles sur cette page. Les innovations technologiques émergentes, l'utilisation de données importantes et l'IA offrent un grand potentiel pour
Inclusive Insurance Training Program for Supervisors in Central and Eastern Europe and Transcaucasia
We are pleased to announce the Inclusive Insurance Training Program for Supervisors in Central and Eastern Europe and Transcaucasia, jointly organised by the Bank of Lithuania, the Access to Insurance
To access the Consultative Forum summary, presentations and photos from the event, visit our Event Report page. The International Association of Insurance Supervisors, the Microinsurance Network and
Le rapport et les présentations de cet appel sont disponibles sur cette page.
Le rapport et les présentations de cet appel sont disponibles sur cette page.
The 2018 Annual Conference of the Caribbean Association of Insurance Regulators (CAIR) took place from 20-22 June 2018 in St. Kitts & Nevis. The topic of the conference, which brought together 56
From 18-22th of June, supervisors from French-speaking Africa came together in Rabat, Morocco for a training programme that went over the fundamentals of supervising inclusive insurance markets. The
Le rapport et les présentations de cet appel sont disponibles sur cette page.
The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), Superintendência de Seguros Privados (SUSEP) and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) are pleased to invite you to a Supervisory
View the presentations here. Digital technologies have experienced rapid growth in recent years. In particular, mobile insurance - which uses mobile phones for distribution, servicing or payments -
Le rapport et les présentations de cet appel sont disponibles sur cette page.
View the presentations here. The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the Microinsurance Network (MIN) and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) are pleased to invite you to
Le rapport et les présentations de cet appel sont disponibles sur cette page.
The kickoff workshops for the Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab in the four participating countries (Kenya, Ghana, Mongolia and Albania).
Following this call, the A2ii produced a report on the subject. This report, and the presentations, can be found on this page.
See below for the briefing note and presentations. Vea a continuación la nota informativa y las presentaciones. Over sixty high-ranking representatives, from South and Central America, Africa and Asia
Following this call, the A2ii produced a report on the subject. This report, and the presentations, can be found on this page.
The A2ii invites insurance supervisors to participate in the “ Inclusive Insurance Training Program for Supervisors in Sub-Saharan Africa” that will take place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 4 to 8
Le rapport et les présentations de cet appel sont disponibles sur cette page.
See below for the briefing note, recordings, presentations, and photos This event gathered over 90 high-ranking representatives from the insurance industry, supervisory authorities and the public
Following this call, the A2ii produced a report on the subject. This report, and the presentations, can be found on this page.
The insurance penetration rate is traditionally calculated based on total premiums as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This has served as a useful high-level measure of insurance
This half-day event brought together around 70 high-ranking representatives from the public sector, supervisory authorities and the insurance industry. Download the agenda here Hosted by the Monetary
This conference delved into the unique regulatory challenges and opportunities of using mobile insurance to make inclusive insurance at scale a reality. Digital technologies, including mobile
The training welcomed 34 supervisors from 16 countries and highlighted the importance of innovation and sound supervisory principles in promoting financial inclusion. It focused on the importance of
In response to requests from the IAIS Executive Committee as well as Latin American supervisors the next A2ii-IAIS Consultation Call will be on the topic of reinsurance. The call focused on
This event gathered 60 participants from Latin American and Caribbean insurance supervisory authorities and industries. It elaborated how client aggregators have changed the landscape of the
There has been a rapid growth in mobile insurance, especially over the past 5 years. Yet for a domain where so much is happening and where more players (e.g. Mobile Network Operators, technical
Approximately 60 high-ranking representatives from Asian insurance supervisory authorities and the industry attended the event which fostered a dialogue between supervisors and the industry in the
This first regional parametric insurance workshop for supervisors in LAC attracted more than 80 participants from Latin America, North America, Europe and Africa.
The seminar brought together over 150 delegates from 15 African countries and beyond. Participants represented a cross-section of stakeholders.
In many ways, migrants are more vulnerable than locals. They frequently work in high-risk, low-wage jobs, tend to be excluded from social protection and healthcare in the host country, and oftentimes
With access to insurance high on the financial inclusion agenda, efforts are being undertaken to develop inclusive insurance regulatory frameworks in many jurisdictions. Effectively implementing such
A regulatory definition of microinsurance delineates this business line from other types of insurance such as traditional or mass. Distinguishing microinsurance is important to facilitate product and
The workshop set the tone for the future collaboration between the different supervisory stakeholders who all agreed on the need for a cross sectoral communication platform to be established.
Over 70 representatives from supervisory authorities, the insurance industry and intermediary bodies came together at the 6th Consultative Forum on “innovative products for the emerging consumer” in
The Inclusive Insurance Training Program for Supervisors in MENA and SSA was jointly organised by the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA), the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), the
28 middle- to senior level insurance supervisors from 9 countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and sub-Saharan Africa participated in the training program.
Approche proportionnée du contrôle des intermédiaires - la 15ème Consultation téléphonique A2ii-AICA
Innovative approaches to distribution are important to achieve scale and serve low-income groups that traditionally have not had access to insurance. Large client aggregators such as retailers with
32 middle- to senior level insurance supervisors from 12 countries in Asia participated in the Inclusive Insurance Training Program for Supervisors in Asia that was hosted by the Office of Insurance
Regulatory incentives to foster the growth of inclusive insurance are important. Regulation needs to be proportionate to the nature, scale and complexity of risks inherent in individual insurance
Mobile insurance has a huge potential in advancing inclusive insurance markets and has experienced rapid growth in recent years. However, it also brings with it new risks and challenges for insurance
This forum brought together some 60 high-ranking representatives from insurance supervisory authorities and the industry, with the objective to foster knowledge and understanding in the field of
Participants on the call will discuss the role of insurance supervisory authorities in developing and implementing effective national financial literacy and consumer education strategies. The roles
Prudential supervision should be both risk-based and proportionate. These criteria are equally relevant when supervising insurers operating in the conventional insurance market and those providing
The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) has been promoting the alignment of Insurance Core Principles (ICPs) with efforts to promote inclusiveness of insurance markets. The need
The 4th Consultative Forum brought together 60 participants, representing regulatory authorities and insurance industry participants from 24 countries from the Sub-Sahara Africa and Middle East and
Actuarial capacity is a challenge in most inclusive insurance markets. It is for this reason that the IAIS in close collaboration with the International Actuarial Association (IAA) will be developing
Mutuelles, coopératives et organisations communautaires (MCOC) - IAIS-A2ii consultation téléphonique
At the request of the IAIS the 9th Consultation Call focused on "Mutuals, Cooperatives and Community Based Organisations (MCCOs) ". The IAIS is currently working on the development of an Application
Some countries had, or still have a significant magnitude of informal insurance activity, in particular in areas such as funeral and health insurance, or credit life insurance provided by mutuals or
The Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) and the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) hosted an expert symposium on
The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) has been promoting the alignment of Insurance Core Principles (ICPs) with efforts to promote inclusiveness of insurance markets. The need
The Access to Insurance Initiative, together with the IAIS, is organising regular Consultation Calls to provide a platform for supervisors to exchange and discuss current regulatory and supervisory
Given the typically low margins on low value policies, most successful microinsurance business models innovate distribution channels in order to minimise distribution costs and scale up the number of
The presentations and report of this call can be found on this page.
Workshop Report: Final Workshops to Present Findings of Colombia Microinsurance Country Diagnostic On August 4th and 5th, the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), the Multilateral Investment Fund
On July 3rd and 4th, the A2ii, the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), a member of the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) Group, and the Financial Services Commission from Jamaica carried out two
The fourth consultation call focused on agriculture insurance, an issue that has hardly been discussed when considering inclusive insurance markets. It was attended by almost 30 supervisors from
The African Insurance Organization (AIO), the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), and the Microinsurance Network (MIN) hosted a Policy
“This is the third call I’ve participated on and I can say that in terms of the quality of the outputs and the conversations taking place between supervisors, it’s shown to be immensely beneficial and
"Technical innovations are a key issue, not only for financial inclusion, but for the future development of the (insurance) regulatory approach." These were the opening remarks of IAIS Secretary
"Setting guidelines does not mean anything without implementation." These were the opening remarks of IAIS Secretary General Yoshihiro Kawai in the A2ii’s first Consultation Hour call on 27 March. The
In December, Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS), the Peruvian supervisor, hosted two stakeholder workshops to present and discuss the Peru diagnostic findings. The diagnostic showed that
The IAIS and Microinsurance Network, supported by A2ii, organized a Consultative Forum to provide a platform for public-private dialogue. The first forum focused on microinsurance business models
As part of the joint IADB/A2ii project „ Implementation of Regulatory and Supervisory Standards in Microinsurance Markets in Latin America”, the Financial Services Commission (FSC) from Jamaica hosted
As part of the joint IADB/a2ii project „Implementation of Regulatory and Supervisory Standards in Microinsurance Markets in Latin America“, the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia (SFC) hosted 2
At the Responsible Finance Forum, hosted by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) on 24-25 June 2013 in
*** Veuillez cliquer ici pour la version française*** On May 29-30, 2013, the African Insurance Organization (AIO), the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), the International Labour Office's (ILO)
On April 11-12, 2013, the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) and the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), a member of the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) group, held a regional workshop for
There is a growing consensus in emerging markets and developing economies that increased participation of the economically weak populations in the process of economic growth is important to sustain
Regulation plays a critical role in creating an enabling environment for financial service providers whilst ensuring the interest of clients are protected and more so for new innovative financial
On November 8th, 2011, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the Microinsurance Network (MIN), the Access to Insurance Initiative and the Munich Re Foundation invited
On May 26th, 2011, the Access to Insurance Initiative hosted a Regulators’ Workshop on Microinsurance in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The Workshop was co-hosted by the African Insurance Organisation (AIO
On November 9th, 2010 as part of the 6th Annual Munich Re Foundation - Microinsurance Network (MIN) Conference, the Access to Insurance Initiative (the Initiative) hosted a seminar for senior
The Financial Stability Institute of the Bank for International Settlements provided for the second time this forum for discussion on matters related to microinsurance and financial inclusion of the
40 senior insurance supervisors from IAIS member jurisdictions, select industry and development experts and members of the Subgroup on Access through Innovation (ATISG) to the G20 Financial Inclusion