A2ii Newsflash| The SSN Argentina launch their InsurTech Innovation Hub
The Superintendencia de Seguros de la Nación (SSN) of Argentina officially launched an InsurTech Innovation Hub on Friday, 11 October. The Hub, a collaborative space to boost the growth of innovative solutions for insurance through the use of technology, will draw together the insurance industry, the technology sector, academia, the regulator and government agencies.
The Hub is founded on the key “axes” that guide the work of the SSN: one is modernisation of the SSN and the insurance sector and the other, the commitment to actively participate in international platforms.
With the Hub in place, SSN aims to:
- accelerate the time taken to authorise new InsurTech-driven products,
- raise industry awareness on the benefits and importance of incorporating technology into the traditional insurance business, provide a growth environment for InsurTech solutions that strengthen quality of service and industry processes, promote regulatory changes that support innovation while protecting the insured, and
- enhance product offering in the market, generating new opportunities for closing the protection gap.
"Collaboration between the insurance industry, regulators and supervisors is an essential
prerequisite for unlocking innovation and building a vibrant insurance market. The SSN
Innovation Hub is not only a timely venture to support innovation in the Argentinian insurance
market but it should help to assure that the SSN stay ahead of the curve", said Hannah Grant,
Head of the A2ii Secretariat about this momentous step of the SSN.
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