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Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals

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Reports, Regulatory Impact Assessment, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2024

Assessing the impact of inclusive insurance regulations in Brazil

Author: Regina Simões “Microinsurance regulations” or “inclusive insurance regulations” have been in place in many countries for some time now, but what evidence is there of their effectiveness? Over
Reports, SDGs, Global | 2021

Policy Note Insurance and the Sustainable Development Goals – why it matters and how data can help

The Policy Note ‘ Insurance and the Sustainable Development Goals – why it matters and how data can help’ sets out the KPIs in support of efforts to measure the contributions of the insurance sector
Reports, Monitoring and KPIs, Africa, MENA | 2020

Evolving insurance supervisory mandates in Sub-Saharan Africa - implications for data practices

This paper provides an overview of how supervisors in Sub-Saharan Africa are collecting and using KPIs in their work today, against a backdrop of evolving supervisory mandates and responsibilities. It
Reports, Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals, Global | 2020

"Reflections and projections: inclusive insurance supervision" - report on lessons from the A2ii 10th Anniversary Conference

Download the report on the 10th Anniversary Conference: high level forum and expert symposium below. On 2–3 September 2019, over 70 insurance supervisors, development partners, practitioners and
Presentations, Reports, Financial Literacy, Global | 2019

Stimulating Demand: The Supervisor’s role in building Insurance Awareness – A2ii-IAIS Consultation Call

Lack of insurance demand is one of the most important obstacles for the development of responsible inclusive insurance markets. In managing risk, the unserved and underserved population generally do