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Reports, Country Assessments, Asia-Pacific | 2013

Philippines Country Diagnostic

This document is one case study of a five-country (Colombia, India, Philippines, South Africa and Uganda) case study project on the role of regulation in the development of microinsurance markets.

The objectives of this project were to map the experience in a sample of five developing countries (Colombia, India, the Philippines, South Africa and Uganda) where microinsurance products have evolved and to consider the influence that policy, regulation and supervision on the development of these markets. From this evidence base, cross-country lessons were extracted that seek to offer guidance to policymakers, regulators and supervisors who are looking to support the development of microinsurance in their jurisdiction.

Also in Country Assessments

Reports, Country Assessments, MENA | 2019

Élaboration d’un diagnostic national pour le développement de l’assurance inclusive au Maroc

Reports, Country Assessments, Asia-Pacific | 2018

China Country Diagnostic

Partner Publications: MEFIN RFPI, Reports, Country Assessments, Asia-Pacific | 2018

Study on the Microinsurance Industry in Nepal
