Country Assessments
Country Assessments
Country Assessments
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Reports, Country Assessments, Africa | 2013
This is Document 1 in a series of 8 documents that together comprise the findings of the Tanzania Access to Insurance Diagnostic. The series consists of one headline findings summary document and

Reports, Country Assessments, Asia-Pacific | 2013
This document is one case study of a five-country (Colombia, India, Philippines, South Africa and Uganda) case study project on the role of regulation in the development of microinsurance markets. The

Reports, Country Assessments, Asia-Pacific | 2013
This document is one case study of a five-country (Colombia, India, Philippines, South Africa and Uganda) case study project on the role of regulation in the development of microinsurance markets. The

Reports, Country Assessments, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2013
This document is one case study of a five-country (Colombia, India, Philippines, South Africa and Uganda) case study project on the role of regulation in the development of microinsurance markets. The