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12th Consultative Forum on InsurTech

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

View the presentations here.


The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the Microinsurance Network (MIN) and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) are pleased to invite you to the 12th Consultative Forum on: 

InsurTech: rising to the regulatory challenge.

Tuesday 20 March 2018 from 09:00 to 17:30

Colombo, Sri Lanka


Download the Invitation (save the date), the Programme of the Forum and the pre-event Press release.

Register for the event. 

InsurTech — the variety of emerging technologies and innovative business models that have the potential to transform the insurance business — holds vast potential for improvements in insurance product design, the development of better-tailored products and reducing administrative costs. These efficiency gains can lead to lower premiums, better client servicing and faster payouts.

According to the World Insurance Report 2017, there are now around 1,000 InsurTech start-ups representing a combined investment of USD 2 billion. These pioneers are making use of big data and advanced data analytics to develop ways of digitising processes from initial application and contracting, through to premium collection and payouts for claims, using mobile and blockchain technology and experimenting with new business models, such as peer-to-peer insurance.

While the InsurTech revolution undoubtedly offers vast and untapped opportunities, it also embodies a challenge for regulatory frameworks that must now consider new business models, new actors in the insurance value chain, data protection, cybersecurity and consumer education. To meet this challenge, supervisors have to strike a balance between facilitating innovation, increasing the inclusiveness of the insurance sector, and maintaining the conditions for a fair, safe and stable insurance sector for the benefit and protection of policyholders.

The 12th Consultative Forum on microinsurance regulation for insurance supervisory authorities, insurance practitioners and policymakers will address the consequences of rapid technological change in the inclusive insurance sector, exploring how regulators are responding to the need for oversight, consumer protection, stability in the business and financial systems while supporting and encouraging innovation.  

Discussions will focus on how various stakeholders — insurance supervisors and policymakers, private sector insurance, data and technical service providers — can cooperate and align their respective roles to achieve sustainability and scale while ensuring that clients receive fair treatment. The first of a three-part series, this Forum will be followed by two further Consultative Forums on the topic in Africa and Latin America.

The 12th Consultative Forum will take place on Tuesday 20 March in Colombo, Sri Lanka, alongside the Mutual Exchange Forum on Inclusive Insurance (MEFIN) Public Private Dialogue 5 (21-22 March 2018). Approximately 60 high-ranking representatives from insurance supervisory authorities, the industry and the public sector are expected to attend the event. If you need an official invitation, please request this by email to Jenny Nasr ( For queries about visa requirements, please contact Ms. Jenine Gadiana (

Consultative Forums aim to stimulate the dialogue between policymakers, supervisors, the industry and other stakeholders that is critical to fostering knowledge and sound policymaking in the field of inclusive insurance. 

We warmly invite you to enrich this seminar with your participation and contribution.

Please mark Tuesday 20 March 2018 in your calendar. To participate in the Consultative Forum, please register here by 12 March 2018, close of business, Central European Time. 


Jonathan Dixon, IAIS                    Hannah Grant, A2ii                        Katharine Pulvermacher, MIN



Below you can download the Save the Date and the Programme for the event.

Tuesday, 20. March 2018 9:00 AM
1 day
Sri Lanka
Knowledge category:
Workshops and Seminars
InsurTech and Mobile Insurance

Also in Workshops and Seminars

1 day

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AITRI Regional Workshop on Supervisory Implications of IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts

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FIF Plenary Meeting

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IAIS Market Conduct Working Group

1 day

A2ii-IDF Workshop on Risk Modelling for Insurance Supervisors

1 day

18th Consultative Forum

2 days

2023 Annual CAIR Conference

2 days

ASSAL-IAIS Regional Training Seminar for Insurance Supervisors

1 day

A2ii-RFPI/MEFIN-MiN Asia Regional Dialogue on "The Role of Insurance and Data in closing the Climate Risk Protection Gap"

2 days

A2ii-FSI-IAIS-SARB meeting for insurance supervisors from Sub-Saharan Africa

2 days

AITRI-A2ii-IAIS Workshop on Leveraging Technology for Better Supervision

1 day

A2ii-ASSAL-IAIS Regional Dialogue on Insurance and the Sustainable Development Goals

2 days

Inclusive Insurance in the Central and Eastern Europe and the Transcaucasian (CEET) region - Challenges and Potential Opportunities

2 days

IAIS-A2ii First Strategic Roundtable for Asian Supervisors

2 days

A2ii-FSI-IAIS-SARB Regional meeting for insurance supervisors from Sub-Saharan Africa

1 day

A2ii-ASSAL-IAIS First Strategic Roundtable for Latin American Supervisors

1 day

Sub-Saharan Africa Public Dialogue on InsurTech: Catalysing Access to Financial Services following Covid-19

1 day

IAIS-FSI-A2ii-SARB virtual seminar on cyber security and data protection in the insurance sector - Africa

1 day

IAIS-FSI-A2ii-AITRI virtual seminar on cyber security and data protection in the insurance sector - Asia

1 day

IAIS-FSI-A2ii-SARB virtual seminar on cyber security and data protection in the insurance sector - Africa

1 day

IAIS-FSI-A2ii-AITRI virtual seminar on cyber security and data protection in the insurance sector - Asia

1 day

A2ii-ASSAL webinar on "Insurance for MSMEs: The Protection Gap exposed by Covid-19"

5 days

Coping with Common Challenges in Developing Insurance Markets training program for insurance supervisors and regulators

3 days

FSI-AMF Regional Seminar on Pillar 2 and Risk-based Supervision

2 days

A2ii-SARB-IAIS Regional meeting for insurance supervisors from Sub-Saharan Africa

1 day

17th Consultative Forum on Climate and Disaster Risk for insurance supervisory authorities, insurance practitioners and policymakers “Climate and disaster risk: building resilience, bridging the protection gap in Asia”

2 days

Global Insurance Supervision Conference

2 days

A2ii 10-Year Anniversary Conference

2 days

Africa 3.0 - Using Tech to Seal the Insurance Gap

1 day

Roundtable on “Insurance for women: specific needs and inclusion”

2 days

16th Consultative Forum on Climate and Disaster Risk - Climate and disaster risk: building resilience, bridging the protection gap

1 day

15th Consultative Forum on Inclusive Insurance - Climate and disaster risk: building resilience, bridging the protection gap

1 day

14th Consultative Forum on InsurTech in Latin America

1 day

Supervisory Dialogue on the impact of informality on insurance markets - what supervisors can do

2 days

13th Consultative Forum on Mobile Insurance and InsurTech: rising to the regulatory challenge

1 day

11th Consultative Forum on microinsurance regulation “Scaling up insurance as a disaster resilience strategy for smallholder farmers in Latin America”

2 days

10th Consultative Forum on the topic of “Scaling up agricultural index insurance in Africa: Building disaster resilience of smallholder farmers”

1 day

9th Consultative Forum on the topic of “Exploring challenges in scaling up insurance as a disaster resilience strategy for smallholder farmers”

2 days

IAIS - A2ii-CIMA Mobile Insurance Conference

1 day

8th Consultative Forum on the topic of “Challenges and opportunities presented by alternative distribution channels”

1 day

7th Consultative Forum on the topic of “The role of mutuals, cooperatives and community-based organisations in inclusive insurance markets”

2 days

CIMA-A2ii Workshop on mobile insurance regulation

2 days

6th Consultative Forum in Marrakesh on the topic of "Innovative products for the emerging consumer"

1 day

5th Consultative Forum in Casablanca on the topic of "Consumer Education: Old questions, new thinking"

2 days

Policy Seminar - Consultative Forum on Microinsurance Regulation for Insurance Supervisory Authorities & Insurance Practitioners

2 days

Expert Symposium “Proportional regulatory approaches in inclusive insurance markets – Capturing what we learnt for the future”

1 day

3rd IAIS-MIN-A2ii Consultative Forum Mass and micro: Consumer protection challenges in inclusive insurance markets

2 days

Stakeholder workshops to present the findings of the Colombia diagnostic

2 days

Stakeholder workshops to present and discuss the Jamaica microinsurance country diagnostic findings

1 day

Challenges and opportunities in enhancing client value in insurance - the African experience with new technologies - 2nd Consultative Forum

2 days

Stakeholder workshops to present the findings of the Peru diagnostic

1 day

Microinsurance Regulation for Insurance Supervisory Authorities & Insurance Practitioners - Consultative Forum on "Business models, distribution and their regulatory"

1 day

Kick-off workshop for country mission in Jamaica, November 4, 2013, Kingston

2 days

Kick-off workshops for country mission in Colombia, October 17-18, 2013, Bogotá

2 days

Responsible Finance Forum IV – Consumer Protection in Emerging Insurance Markets

2 days

Seminar on Microinsurance Regulation for Supervisory Authorities

2 days

Regional Workshop for Supervisors from Latin America and the Caribbean

1 day

Policy Seminar on Access to Insurance, Tanzania

1 day

Workshop for regional regulators to make insurance work for the poor, Fiji

2 days

High – Level seminar on Micro-insurance Regulation for Supervisory Authorities

3 days

Policy Seminar on Access to Insurance for Supervisors, Regulators and Policy Makers

1 day

Regulators’ Workshop on Microinsurance

1 day

Policy Seminar on Access to Insurance for Regulators and Supervisors

3 days

Meeting on Microinsurance - Promoting Successful Regulatory and Supervisory Approaches for Increased Access to Insurance

1 day

Expert Round Table on the “G20 Financial Financial Inclusion Process"

2 days

International Conference: Enabling Microinsurance Markets "Overcoming the challenges for the insurance industry, regulators and supervisors"
