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Rapports et publications, AssurTech et assurance mobile, Afrique, Global | 2018
Digital technologies are rapidly changing the insurance landscape worldwide. In Africa currently, mobile insurance is prevalent, but other digital technologies are on the rise too, helping to provide

Présentations, Rapports et publications, Escroquerie, Global | 2018
Insurance fraud is a phenomenon that every supervisory authority comes into contact with sooner or later, and if left unchecked it can seriously harm the health of the insurance market. On this

Rapports et publications, Formalisation, Amérique latine et Caraïbes | 2018
This Supervisory Dialogue event provided an overview of how informality is affecting insurance markets, examined the risks and focused on the challenges faced by insurance supervisors as a result. The

Rapports et publications, Assurance indicielle, Global | 2018
Index-based insurances is defined as insurance contracts in which a claim is defined with reference to a pre-determined index (sometimes also referred to as parametric insurance). The paper, published

Rapports et publications, AssurTech et assurance mobile, Global | 2018
Despite its significant potential, there has been little regulatory and supervisory guidance on m-insurance. The Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) commissioned this study in order to address the