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Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, África | 2013
In general, there is limited public awareness of insurance in Nigeria, and distrust by those who are aware of it, particularly in urban areas. There is plenty of room for improving business practices

Informes y publicaciones, Modelos de negocios, Asia y el pacifico | 2013
New business models: Innovation in business models is key to enhancing inclusive insurance through low-cost and efficient service delivery. A variety of different business models are being tested and

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, Global | 2012
Este documento describe los objetivos, alcance y enfoque que se debe tomar en cuenta para realizar un diagnóstico de un país específico empleando la metodología preparada por la Iniciativa de Acceso a

Presentaciones, Regulación proporcional, África, Global | 2012
On May 30-31, 2012, the African Insurance Organization (AIO), the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), and the programme Promoting Financial Sector Dialogue in Africa: Making Finance Work for Africa

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, África | 2011
This study forms part of a series of country studies commissioned by the ILO/UNCDF looking to support country-level microinsurance strategies and to develop cross-cutting insights on designing and