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Informes y publicaciones, Modelos de negocios, Asia y el pacifico | 2013

Business models, distribution and their regulatory implications -1st Consultative Forum Briefing Note

New business models: Innovation in business models is key to enhancing inclusive insurance through low-cost and efficient service delivery. A variety of different business models are being tested and used by the industry. Several business models were identified by a cross-country study in 25 jurisdictions1, classified by the different types of distribution infrastructure leveraged to achieve scale and make low-premium distribution viable.

Also in Modelos de negocios

Presentaciones, Informes y publicaciones, Modelos de negocios, Global | 2015

Enfoques actuariales para mercados de seguros inclusivos - informe de la llamada de consulta de la A2ii-IAIS

Informes y publicaciones, Modelos de negocios, Global | 2014

Technical Note 1: Evolving microinsurance business models and their regulatory implications

Presentaciones, Informes y publicaciones, Modelos de negocios, Global | 2014

Successful Business Models in Microinsurance Consultation Call Report
