Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals
Fundamentos de seguro inclusivo
Fundamentos de seguro inclusivo
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Informes y publicaciones, Fundamentos de seguro inclusivo, Europa Central y Oriental y Asia Central | 2013
Workshop Report: The workshop was held on 13 September 2012 at the Intercontinental Hotel, Beijing, hosted by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC).

Informes y publicaciones, Fundamentos de seguro inclusivo, Global | 2013
On May 26th 2011 the Access to Insurance Initiative (Initiative) and the African Insurance Organization (AIO) hosted a Regulators’ Workshop as part of the 38th AIO Annual Seminar. Representatives from

Informes y publicaciones, Modelos de negocios, Asia y el pacifico | 2013
New business models: Innovation in business models is key to enhancing inclusive insurance through low-cost and efficient service delivery. A variety of different business models are being tested and

Informes y publicaciones, Estrategias nacionales de inclusión financiera, Asia y el pacifico | 2010
This framework outlines the government’s policy thrusts and direction for the establishment of a policy and regulatory environment that will encourage, enhance and facilitate the safe and sound

Presentaciones, Regulación proporcional, Fundamentos de seguro inclusivo, Global | 2010
Presentation by Jonathan Dixon and Yoshihiro Kawai at the Expert Round Table for Insurance Supervisors on the G-20 Financial Inclusion Process on 04 May 2010 in Berlin, Germany.