We produce reports, policy notes and briefing sheets to inform insurance supervisors/regulators and policy makers on key inclusive insurance topics
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22.02.2024 | News
Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) ofrece una beca completa para supervisores de seguros para el curso en línea Seguros para el desarrollo que se impartirá en español del 27 de mayo al 28 de junio

12.02.2024 | News
Matthias Range assumes the role of the A2ii Executive Director, to lead the organisation through transformative growth jointly with the IAIS. Access to Insurance Initiative is thrilled to announce the

06.02.2024 | Newsletters
Welcome! In this newsletter, we provide you with updates on the work of the A2ii, events and publications, and experiences and learning on inclusive insurance regulation and supervision across

20.12.2023 | News
In November and December 2023, the Insurance Development Forum (IDF) and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) co-convened a workshop series dedicated to insurance supervisors from emerging

04.12.2023 | Newsletters
Welcome! In this newsletter, we provide you with updates on the work of the A2ii, events and publications, and experiences and learning on inclusive insurance regulation and supervision across