Emerging Topics
Emerging Topics
Emerging Topics
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Presentations, Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Global, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2019
On 24 October the IAIS, A2ii and Microinsurance Network in partnership with the Association of Insurance Supervisors of Latin America (ASSAL) and the Superintendencia de Seguros de la Nación (SSN)

Presentations, Reports, Data Protection, Global | 2019
Emerging technological innovations, the use of big data and AI hold great potential to reach out to new customers, offers consumers greater value products and enhance operating effeciency. Digital

Presentations, Reports, Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance, Emerging Topics, Global | 2018
Supervisors play an important role in addressing risks and challenges that climate change poses on the insurance sector. This call took a closer look at the IAIS and Sustainable Insurance Forum (SIF)

Reports, Emerging Topics, Data Protection, Global | 2018
Data innovation is challenging the traditional role of insurance regulators. Two major dilemmas emerge that insurance regulators and indeed all financial sector regulators face when confronted with

Presentations, Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance, Emerging Topics, Global | 2018
Extreme weather events continue to undermine the resilience of low income countries in particular, mainly due to a limited capacity to recover and absorb losses associated with climatic hazards. This