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A2ii Editorial Team |
Index Insurance, Regulations
La publicación presenta los resultados y hallazgos de la encuesta sobre seguros basados en índices, también llamados de seguros paramétricos, realizada por la A2ii en el segundo semestre de 2020.

Rachelle Jung |
Inclusive Insurance, Inclusive Insurance World Map, Index Insurance, Microinsurance, Regulations
It has been sixteen years since India enacted the first microinsurance regulation in 2005. Now, at least 30 authorities across 43 markets have implemented dedicated inclusive insurance regulation, and others have adopted other regulatory approaches that are supportive of inclusive insurance.

Dunja Latinovic |
Covid-19, Health, Inclusive Insurance, SDGs, Supervisory Dialogue
Imagine if every year the population of an entire country the size of the Philippines fell into poverty because of out-of-pocket expenditures on health services. The WHO data on global health coverage presents a sombre picture. Every year 100 million people are pushed into poverty because of lack of health coverage; that without the burden of a global pandemic.

Pascale Lamb, Tom Herbstein |
InsurTech, Sub-Saharan Africa, Supervisory Dialogue
Delivering financial inclusion is a core principle of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) given its role in eradicating poverty. Africa is particularly impacted, given that half of the population is without access to formal financial services. Access to bank accounts hovers at 40%, while insurance accounts for just 3% of GDP, against a global average of 7%.
However, recent technological developments have led to the financial system becoming more accessible, to low-income populations than ever before. Across Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, the growth of mobile penetration rates has risen to over 43%, providing a crucial platform for the digital expansion of financial services.

A2ii Editorial Team, Carolyn Barsulai, Janina Voss |
Asia, Caribbean, Risk based capital, Sub-Saharan Africa, Supervisory Dialogue
Around the world, countries are transitioning their insurance markets to more risk-based capital (RBC) regimes to ensure that insurers have sound financial positions and hold adequate levels of capital. This, in turn, enables the insurance sector to withstand shocks, continue to operate and pay policyholders’ claims. The Global Financial Crisis taught us this lesson; the Covid-19 pandemic is a harsh reminder.
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Covid-19Inclusive InsuranceSub-Saharan AfricaSupervisory DialogueIndex InsuranceRegulationsSouth AfricaSDGsA2iiConsumer ProtectionMicroinsuranceiii-labCaribbeanInsurTechHealthPrudentialSMEsCosta RicaInclusive Insurance World MapRisk based capitalAsiaMalaysiaUKGenderClimate and disaster riskFinancial InclusionSDG 5: Gender EqualityDataPacific IslandsBelizeGovernanceIn country supportCapacity buildingSolomon IslandsGhanaFijiInnovationMigrantsRemittancesEthicsMachine learningArtificial intelligenceMauritiusSDG 13: Climate ActionAccounting standardsIFRS 17
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