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Rapports et publications, Surveillance du produit, Global | 2014
On the topic: Inclusive insurance markets require a proportionate approach to product oversight including product standards. Supervisors have different options for product oversight before and after

Rapports et publications, Toolkits, Modules et outils de formation, Global | 2014
A financially sound insurance sector contributes to economic growth and well-being by supporting the management of risk, allocation of resources, and mobilization of long-term savings. The Insurance

Rapports et publications, Toolkits, Évaluation de l'impact de la réglementation, Modules et outils de formation, Global | 2014
This document outlines the analytical framework and methodology for conducting a microinsurance country diagnostic study. It is designed to assist readers who wish to gain a deeper understanding of

Rapports et publications, Modules et outils de formation, Global | 2014
What is microinsurance? Why is it important? How do microinsurance markets typically develop? What are the benefits of a deliberate strategy or process to develop microinsurance? What steps can be

Rapports et publications, Diagnostics de pays, Asie-Pacifique | 2014
This report provides an overview of the development of Mongolia’s insurance market in general and the microinsurance segment in particular, identifying gaps in the insurance regulatory framework that