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Rapports et publications, Genre, Global | 2017
This paper aims to inspire momentum and increase awareness among insurance supervisors of the transformative potential of gender approaches. It explains how supervisors have started to consider gender

Rapports et publications, Réglementation proportionnée, Principes de base de l'assurance inclusive, Global | 2016
Ce guide s’appuie sur les discussions fécondes d’un Symposium d’experts organisé à Washington en décembre 2014. Il intègre en outre les leçons tirées de l’expérience de l’A2ii en collaboration avec

Présentations, Rapports et publications, AssurTech et assurance mobile, Protection des données, Global | 2016
On the topic: There has been a rapid growth in mobile insurance, especially over the past five years. Yet for a domain where so much is happening and where more players (e.g. mobile network operators

Présentations, Rapports et publications, Travailleurs migrants, Global | 2016
On the topic: In many ways, migrants are more vulnerable than locals. They frequently work in high-risk, low-wage jobs, tend to be excluded from social protection and healthcare in the host country

Présentations, Rapports et publications, Développement des marchés, Global | 2016
On the topic: With access to insurance high on the financial inclusion agenda, efforts are being undertaken to develop inclusive insurance regulatory frameworks in many jurisdictions. Effectively