Nous produisons des rapports, des notes de politique et des fiches d'information pour informer les superviseurs/régulateurs et les décideurs en matière d'assurance sur des sujets clés de l'assurance inclusive.
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02.10.2019 | Actualités
Effective July 2019, Kenya has included in its insurance regulatory law definitions for microinsurance and index-based insurance. At the core of the definition of micro-insurance is increasing

09.09.2019 | Actualités, Programmes, Invitations
The 2nd Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab 2020-2021 The new deadline for applications: 22 September 2019 What is it about? The 2nd Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab (iii-lab) 2020-2021 is an

21.08.2019 | Actualités
The year 2019 marks 10 years of Access to Insurance Initiative. To celebrate its anniversary, and the key milestones, the A2ii has been running its #A2ii10 campaign throughout 2019. On 2 and 3