Nous produisons des rapports, des notes de politique et des fiches d'information pour informer les superviseurs/régulateurs et les décideurs en matière d'assurance sur des sujets clés de l'assurance inclusive.
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All News
156 posts | Page 15 of 32

10.10.2018 | Programmes, Invitations
Dear colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to the Inclusive Insurance Training Program for Supervisors in Central and Eastern Europe and Transcaucasia, jointly organised by the Bank of Lithuania

01.10.2018 | Bulletin
Welcome to our monthly newsletter, where we update you on the work of the Initiative, inform you about events and publications, and share experiences and learning on inclusive insurance regulation and

01.09.2018 | Bulletin
Welcome to our monthly newsletter, where we update you on the work of the Initiative, inform you about events and publications, and share experiences and learning on inclusive insurance regulation and

01.08.2018 | Bulletin
Welcome to our monthly newsletter, where we update you on the work of the Initiative, inform you about events and publications, and share experiences and learning on inclusive insurance regulation and

01.07.2018 | Bulletin
Access to Insurance Initiative Newsletter 07/2018 Welcome to our monthly newsletter, where we update you on the work of the Initiative, inform you about events and publications, and share experiences