Evaluaciones de países
Evaluaciones de países
Evaluaciones de países
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Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, Global | 2012
Este documento describe los objetivos, alcance y enfoque que se debe tomar en cuenta para realizar un diagnóstico de un país específico empleando la metodología preparada por la Iniciativa de Acceso a

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, América Latina y el Caribe | 2011
This report was commissioned by Funenseg and CNSeg, the Brazilian insurance school and insurance industry association respectively, as an independent assessment of the microinsurance market in Brazil

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, África | 2011
This study forms part of a series of country studies commissioned by the ILO/UNCDF looking to support country-level microinsurance strategies and to develop cross-cutting insights on designing and

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, Global | 2010
This document describes the objectives, scope and approach to be followed in the individual country diagnostics to be undertaken under the auspices of the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii or

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, Global | 2009
This fact sheet describes the country diagnostic process that is a core process of the Access to Insurance Initiative.