Mutuals, cooperatives and community-based organisations (MCCOs) comprise a diverse range of entities that share a number of characteristics. They are member-owned, democratic, operate on the solidarity principle and created to serve a defined group and purpose and have a not-for-profit aim. They can range from village-based solidarity groups to large, licensed international organisations that are operating like commercial insurers.
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Reports, MCCOs, Asia-Pacific | 2016
The role of MCCOs in inclusive insurance markets - 7th Consultative Forum
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Approximately 60 high-ranking representatives from Asian insurance supervisory authorities and the industry attended the event which fostered a dialogue between supervisors and the industry in the
At the request of the IAIS the 9th Consultation Call focused on "Mutuals, Cooperatives and Community Based Organisations (MCCOs) ". The IAIS is currently working on the development of an Application paper which will provide supervisory guidance regarding adherence to and implementation of the relevant Insurance Core Principles (ICPs) with respect to MCCOs in inclusive insurance markets.
Also in MCCOs

Reports, MCCOs, Global | 2017

Presentations, Reports, MCCOs, Global | 2015