Inclusive Insurance Training
Inclusive Insurance Training Programme for Latin American Supervisors
Inclusive Insurance Training Programme for Latin American Supervisors
18 – 22 November, San José, Costa Rica

The training program was designed to help participants understand the importance of a proportional approach to regulation and supervision to improve access to insurance services. The program also included sessions on current practices of selected jurisdictions that have advanced in the field of inclusive insurance. During the training, 24 insurance supervisors - from Bolivia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru and Puerto Rico, worked on action plans, exchanging experiences and information with their peers and experts. This was the first time that A2ii joint training with the Toronto Centre was fully organised in Spanish with no translation!
Training Annoucement
For English scroll down.
El Programa de Capacitación en Seguros Inclusivos para Supervisores de América Latina es organizado conjuntamente por la Superintendencia General de Seguros (SUGESE), la Asociación de Supervisores de Seguros de América Latina (ASSAL), la Iniciativa de Acceso a los Seguros (A2ii), la Asociación internacional de supervisores de seguros (IAIS), y el Toronto Centre. La capacitación se llevará a cabo del 18 al 22 de noviembre de 2019, en San José, Costa Rica.
El programa de capacitación está diseñado para ayudar a los participantes a comprender la importancia de un enfoque proporcional a la regulación y la supervisión para mejorar el acceso a los servicios de seguros. El programa también incluye sesiones sobre prácticas actuales de jurisdicciones seleccionadas que han avanzado en el campo del seguro inclusivo.
Público Objetivo
La capacitación está dirigida a funcionarios de nivel medio a alto de agencias reguladoras y supervisoras que participan en la regulación y supervisión de microseguros y seguros inclusivos en la región de América Latina.
Por primera vez esta capacitación se realizará en español.
No hay tasa de registro para participar del curso. Sin embargo, los participantes son responsables de su propio transporte y alojamiento.
Para registrarse, sírvase completar el formulario adjunto y enviarlo antes del 18 de octubre de 2019 al correo:
The Training Program in Inclusive Insurance for Latin American Supervisors is jointly organized by the Superintendencia General de Seguros (SUGESE), the Association of Insurance Supervisors of Latin America (ASSAL), the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), and the Toronto Centre. It will take place from November 18-22, 2019, in San José, Costa Rica.
The program is designed to help participants understand the importance of a proportional approach to regulation and supervision to improve access to insurance services. It also includes sessions on current practices of selected jurisdictions that have advanced in the field of inclusive insurance.
Target Audience
The training is aimed at medium to high-level officials of regulatory and supervisory authorities that participate in the regulation and supervision of microinsurance and inclusive insurance in the Latin American region.
Please, note that for the first time this training will be conducted in Spanish.
There is no registration fee to participate in the training. However, participants are responsible for their own transportation and accommodation.
To register, please complete the attached form and send it before October 18 2019, to the email: